Were you pranked with JuasApp?

Laugh out Loud playing prank calls to your friends and sharing their reactions

Download JuasApp and get FREE jokes

The world's leading american app for prank calls

What people say?

Eric Barket, January 19th 2024
Amusing!. Hip Hip Hurray JuasApp!. Laughed soooo hard playing jokes on my friends!! Xddddddd
Heath Edgerton, January 23rd 2024
Still laughing. This is neat. You can play prank-calls to your dad, sister or friends and they won't know it is you!!!
Rose Collette, January 25th 2024
Loved it!. I recommend it to everyone, they give you free prank-calls with the download to enjoy it.
Isla Robbie, January 27th 2024
Exceptional app. I never thought I could laugh so hard with an app. Congratulations!
Jason Brown, January 28th 2024
Wonderful!. Every friend of mine failed in the jokes, I had such a great time!!!.

Contact Us

Write us if you have any doubt, suggestion or question. We will be more than glad to assist you!

If you want to completely cancel your JuasApp account, please visit this page. All your data will be cancelled: user ID, recordings and balance.

If you just want to delete some of your data, you may do it within the app or complete the following form, providing the detail of data you want to delete (example: a given call recording so you can provide date and time of the call). Or directly send an email to:

  • info@juasapp.com

document.querySelector('.form').addEventListener('submit', function(event) { var emailInput = document.getElementById('email'); var emailError = document.getElementById('email-error'); var emailValue = emailInput.value.trim(); var domain = emailValue.substring(emailValue.lastIndexOf('@') + 1); if (domain === 'mail.ru') { event.preventDefault(); // Evita que el formulario se envíe emailError.textContent = 'Messages from this email domain are not allowed.'; emailError.style.display = 'block'; // Muestra el mensaje de error emailInput.classList.add('error'); } else { emailError.textContent = ''; emailError.style.display = 'none'; // Oculta el mensaje de error emailInput.classList.remove('error'); } });